About Me

Sunnyside, NY, United States
I'm a superhero in training. I'm also my own comic relief.

November 29, 2006

A minor and unnecessary review of last week

I've done a bit in the last week or so with the copious amounts of free time that I tend to have.

First and perhaps foremost, the RPG I am running seems to be going pretty well, and by that I mean I've only heard complaints about the one time I made them climb the impossible wall.

I also actually wrote a bit of fiction recently. Nothing too spectacular, just your basic human-learns-something-no-human-should-and-goes-bonkers short story in the form of a personal journal kept by the main character. My biggest (and only) fan insists that it is great and that I should write more, but I really don't know.

As it turns out, I'll have to get my siblings real presents this Christmas. Apparently knives are not appropriate for a child, nor is a cutting board appropriate for anyone except perhaps my father. Hopefully I'll come up with something before Christmas Eve.

My professional life remains stagnant, which is to say that I have no such thing.

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