About Me

Sunnyside, NY, United States
I'm a superhero in training. I'm also my own comic relief.

August 3, 2007


Wednesday, August 1, at approx. 12:00 pm ET I woke up. I have yet to fall asleep since. This currently puts me at 61.5 hours. Now, I have gone through a full week with only a few hours of sleep each day, but I do believe this is the longest I have ever gone with no sleep whatsoever. Now this isn't to say that I have been up, active, and engaged with the world around me this whole time, for I have indeed had lay down and hope I fall asleep time.

Truth be told, I can't be entirely certain that this is insomnia, because it could very well be something else that just pretends to be insomnia and is doing a really good job. I have a bit of a morbid curiosity about how long I can go before I start to crack (my bet is a full week), but it is probably best that I not encourage it.

In conclusion, I blame global warming.

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